We are excited to announce that we have placed investment into Ligar Polymers, a filtering and extraction company based in Hamilton.
Ligar is commercialising Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) based on technology developed at Waikato Institute of Technology (WinTec) and the University of Waikato. The MIPs enable very high-selectivity extraction of molecules from fluids, which can then be eluted and/or discarded. There are a broad range of applications, including removing heavy metals contaminants from drinking water, extracting high-value bioactives from horticultural waste streams, and removing smoke taints from wine.
This announcement has been almost a year in the making, as we have worked closely with the company to develop their thinking and strategy, as well as assisting with governance and partnerships. The company has been operating for a number of years, but we think that now is a good time to back Ligar as they make progress with a number of international customers and partners. We have also been working closely with Ligar and Te Whāi Ao Limited on a joint venture called The Refinery, a local initiative to extract bioactives from avocado, kiwifruit, hops, and hemp.