The Matū team is proud to welcome Hanie Yee into a newly created position as an Iramoe-Executive in Residence. Our Whakatipu Tāngata Policy is about developing capability in the early-stage investment space, especially in human capital, giving more people the opportunity to experience and develop skills about how venture capital and start-ups work. Hanie was previously an Iramoe-Observer, attending our team meetings and getting an insight into how we run the Matū Fund. She now steps into this newly created role, which will involve more hands-on training through due diligence and project sourcing processes, as well as opportunities to work with our target and portfolio companies in governance and operational support.
Hanie has 20 years international experience working in the biotech, pharmaceutical and medical device industries, including almost a decade at Fisher and Paykel Healthcare. With a background in biology and medical science, she recently completed her Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management and Leadership from Darden Business School, University of Virginia.
She has a passion for helping nurture and grow start-ups and founders, especially in healthcare and medtech, and has recently been advising a number of early-stage medical device companies, including OPUM and Alimetry. Hanie is an independent member of the Return on Science Medtech and Surgical, and Auckland Momentum Investment Committees, and is an associate member of the Institute of Directors.
Hanie says: “The space that Matū operates in – the intersection of deep tech and science – this really excites me. I have a passion for, and expertise, in this space, and working with Matū provides me an opportunity to develop investment skills while also applying what I have learnt in the past. I also like Matū’s philosophy and approach – at this point in my career, I only want to join organisations that align with my values. Matū values people, and is an active collaborator with the businesses that they want to invest in, rather than just growing money passively. It’s about the journey, not just the destination, and Matū goes on that journey with the companies.”
We are creating this new role to help candidates with existing professional experience in adjacent areas get a kickstart into the world of early-stage investment. Through mentoring and training with the rest of the wider Matū team, we are helping Iramoe-Executives gain experience relevant to angel and venture capital investing, both in the extensive investment process, but also the support for our portfolio companies (post-investment). Our goal is to offer a deep experience across all parts of our operations, with the aim of building a career in this space.